Persons with diabetes often have oral health problems - dry mouth (xerostomia), gum disease, cavities, as well as being prone to oral infections (bacterial and fungal), and poor healing if the diabetes is not well controlled. Dry mouth is a common consequence of medications taken as well as when the blood sugar is high. Most prescription medicines cause dry mouth as a side effect. The drugs may be prescribed for a variety of conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and other problems. Dry mouth means a lack of saliva. Saliva is a crucial fluid for the health of the mouth. It helps control the level of bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria is the source of bad breath, gum disease such as gingivitis and periodontitis (which results in loss of teeth), and cavities. Inflamed, bleeding gums is also linked to heart disease since compromised gums are the doorway bacteria and their toxins can enter into the bloodstream via the gums.

Good oral health is very important for those with diabetes. Brushing and flossing is key, but products which can address the key problems of dry mouth will help minimize oral health problems. The key problems are:

  • Relief from dry mouth for extended periods
  • Reduce bacteria in the mouth which are the basis for plaque and gum disease
  • Neutralize acids in the mouth which cause cavities
  • Capture and eliminate volatile sulfur compounds from bacteria and certain foods which are the basis for bad breath

Mouth washes are good, but the main problem is portability - it is inconvenient to carry a mouth wash with you all day long and the relief from dry mouth is only for a short period. Most lozenges address only some of the key problems. However, Salese is a long lasting lozenge which addresses all of the above key points.

  • Salese offers the longest relief of dry mouth - giving the moisture feel in the mouth for hours - based on the unique sustained release technology of the lozenge
  • Salese reduces bacteria better than the leading alcohol based mouth wash. The sustained release of essential oils are at a concentration and duration of exposure which is are bactericidal; this is not the situation with other lozenges. Salese also contains xylitol, an ingredient which will inhibit bacterial growth.
  • Salese releases bicarbonate which neutralizes the acids created by bacteria, causing cavities.
  • Salese releases zinc to capture volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) which cause bad breath - a common complaint of persons with dry mouth.

Salese is readily available on Nuvorainc.com,